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Maple Sugaring Adapts to Changing Climate

Maple Sugaring Adapts to a Changing Climate

The Barton Chronicle, Michael J. Caduto - Boil­ing maple sap into syrup is a time-hon­ored tra­di­tion in the North­east, to the ol­fac­tory de­light of any­one who has spent time in a steamy sug­ar­house while in­hal­ing the sweet maple scent of the sea­son. It used to be that trees were tapped in late March, and evap­o­ra­tors in sug­ar­houses fired up in early April. In re­cent years, how­ever, both the tim­ing and man­age­ment of sug­ar­ing sea­son have shifted to match the ear­lier on­set of sap flow in the trees.

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